Sunday, September 02, 2012

many pictures from many months

It's been a long summer. Here are some highlights: 1. All three kids and Kat's birthdays. 2. A tree falling. 3. Jack's broken arm. 4. A trip to New Jersey to see family, awesome dinosaurs, Warren County Fair, etc.. 5. A great harvest of garlic and tomatoes. Sit back and enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

on the move

Lots of things have changed since our last post, most of all with Miss Anya who is now on the move! Jack and Lucia are getting used to having her take away their toys and eat their books and Anya is quite enjoying being in the middle of things. Hope you are all doing well and that some of you can get out for a visit and check out her moves soon.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Split open and MELT

We're sorry that there haven't been any blog posts lately, but that doesn't mean we haven't had the batteries in our camera charged. Some things you've missed if you haven't been here: Jason's Boston Creme Pie for his birthday, Anya sitting up, Jack and his FUTBOL adventures, Lucia's tiger roar to protest her TWO ear infections, and everybody (including el perro Chaplin) playing in the leaves.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

super-sized summer posting

Coming up to Labor day and, man, it feels like we've put an exclamation point on summer! The photos below are snippets from grandpa Meyler's great visit, a Brewers' game, Jack's b-day and b-day fiesta, first days of school for Jack and Lucia, as well as many sweet moments in between.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

summer 2011

Summer's in full swing! We've celebrated Lucia's birthday; we enjoyed our block party; Tia Maggie and cousin Elke came out for a visit (and took more pictures than we did - see their blog on the right); we've gone to a couple farmers' markets; and we've been teaching Anya to smile, laugh, pull hair, and shake a rattle. Loads of fun, no?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

pasándolo bien con Anya

Hola y Feliz Verano: Truth is that summer appeared for about two days and we haven't seen really warm and dry weather for weeks. Been having a good summer though: gymnastics, summer playground, kiddie pools, block party, birthday celebrations galore. Aunt Maggie's coming out with Elke before too long and we hope others will make the trip to see one sweet little Anya and her siblings. Enjoy the pics...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome Baby Anya

Our beautiful little baby was born on Sunday the 17th. Some notes of interest:

1. We're surprised to say it's a GIRL! (Jack and Lucia were not surprised)
2. Name = Anya Louise (middle name is a homage most immediately to great-grandma meyler and grandma stanley)
3. Born 7lbs 14oz - just like Jack
4. Anya has adorably chubby cheeks - somewhat unlike Jack and Lucia
5. Anya has two very excited siblings who are proud to be big brother and big sister
6. Anya is now home
7. Anya has a tired mother who is doing well with the new addition
8. Anya has a tired father who is doing well with the new addition
9. Anya thanks you for your well wishes and hopes you enjoy the following pictures -